We're back! With a new calendar of great films for 2025.
. The Old Gazette Film Society is a sub-committee of the Dorrigo Dramatic Club Inc. It was formed in 2016 by a group of committed Dorrigo residents to provide an environment to share film, food and conversation on the Plateau.
We are a member of the Australian Film Societies Federation who issue to us, for a small fee, licences to show specific movies to our members. Due to licensing restrictions, you must be a member of the Film Society to attend screenings which are then free. Members are allowed to bring one guest along per calendar year and a guest may attend twice before needing to become a member. It's a wonderful community event and a great opportunity to meet new people and enjoy films, food and conversation. Basically, membership is a bargain at $5 a screening. Members have the opportunity to see 12 films a year. You can see the films for the coming year on the Calendar.
Film nights are organised and run by volunteers. So please offer to come and help us serve refreshments or assist us with other tasks.
Friday, 21 February, 7.00 pm for a 7.30 pm start The Taste of Things The story of Eugenie, an esteemed cook, and Dodin - the fine gourmet chef she has been working for over the last 20 years.
Director: Anh Hung Tran; Writers: Anh Hung Tran, Marcel Rouff Stars: Juliette Binoche, Benoît Magimel, Emmanuel Salinger
Background The Dorrigo Dramatic Club successfully applied for a grant under the Federal Government's Stronger CommunitiesProgram. This has enabled the Old Gazette Theatre to upgrade its audio-visual capabilities with modern projection and around-sound equipment.